November 16th
White's of Westport
Westport, MA
2013 NEMA Midgets
Owner and Driver Champions - John Zych Jr., John
Zych Sr., and family. |
2013 NEMA LITES Driver Champion -
Carl Medeiros Jr. |
The Jim O’Brien Memorial
Award for outstanding contributions to family and racing was presented by the O'Brien family to
Greg Stoehr |


50/50 |

Appreciation Awards |

Appreciation Awards |

Push Truck
Appreciation Awards |

Dave Humphrey |

Pete Zinardi |

LITES Perfect Attendance
Awards |

NEMA Perfect Attendance
Awards |

Mechanics of the Year
LITES - Glen Cugini
NEMA - John Zych Sr. |

Associate Member
Never Say
Die Award:
LITES - Craig Rayvals
NEMA - Jim Chambers

Thibodeau Youth and Determination Awards:
LITES - Megan Cugini
NEMA - Bethany Stoehr |

11th to 15th |

11th to 15th |

Brian Caruso Hard
Charger Award:
LITES - Avery Stoehr |

Ray Roberts
Memorial Award:
LITES - Kevin Park |

Hard Luck Award:
LITES - Scott Bigelow
NEMA - Allan Cantor |

to 10th |

to 10th |

Dick Gallagher Memorial NEMA Hall of Fame:
Nokie Fornoro |
Nokie Fornoro, shown here
in the Jarret #4 racing Eria Santos en route to victory in
his final Northeastern Midget Association at the 2010
Thompson Speedway World Series, is the newest member of the
Dick Gallagher Memorial NEMA Hall of Fame. The 1981 NEMA
champ, Nokie sits fourth in all-time NEMA wins with
45. |

Johnny Thomson Memorial Award |

Johnny Thomson Memorial Award: Ed Breault |

Jim O’Brien Memorial Award
Introduced by the O'Brien Sons: Matt, Dennis & Chris |

Tara & Greg Stoehr |

Tara & Greg Stoehr |

Jim O’Brien Memorial Award:
Greg Stoehr |

Jim O’Brien Memorial Award:
Greg Stoehr |

Shane Hammond
Sportsmanship Awards: LITES - Megan Cugini NEMA -
Todd Bertrand |

Up and Coming Young Driver Awards:
LITES - Kenney Johnson LITES - Logan Rayvals |

Joe Csiki
Memorial Most Improved Drivers:
LITES - Danny Cugini
NEMA - John Zych Jr. |

Ed Clothier
Rookies of the Year: LITES - Richie
Morrocco NEMA - Ian Cumens |

Evans/Thrall Top
LITES: Andy Barrows
NEMA: Todd Bertrand |

Wen Kelley Memorial
Mike Jarret |

Wen Kelley Memorial
Mike Jarret |

5th Place LITES:
Driver - Logan
Owner - Jeff Johnson |

4th Place LITES:
Driver - Kenney
Owner - Avery Stoehr |
3rd Place LITES:
Driver - Avery
Owner - Bill Stergios
(Accepted by PJ Stergois) |

2nd Place LITES:
Driver - Danny
Owner - Carl Medriros Sr. |
5th Place NEMA:
Driver - Russ Stoehr |
4th Place NEMA:
Driver - Todd
Owner - Dumo's
Desire Racing |
Ian Cumens |
3rd Place NEMA:
Driver - Ian
Owner - Bertrand
Motorsports |

Gil Bertrand & Randy

2nd Place NEMA:
Driver - Randy
Owner - Tim Bertrand
(Accepted by Gil Bertrand) |

Carl Medriros Jr. |

Driver - Carl
Medriros Jr.
Owner - Donald
Cugini |

John Zych Jr. |

John Zych Sr. |
Driver - John Zych
Owner - John Zych Sr. |
Marilyn & Gene
Women Behind the Men
Janice Zych |
Lifetime Membership:
NEMA Announcer
Pete Falconi |
Jim O’Brien Memorial Award:
Greg Stoehr and Family |
LITES Driver Champion:
Carl Mediros Jr. and Team |

LITES Driver Champion:
Carl Mediros Jr. and Family |
NEMA Champions:
The Zych Family |
Photos by Norm Marx |
Zych, Medeiros Jr.
Grab NEMA’ Tops Honors |
Westport, MA – First-time
champions were in the spotlight Saturday night at the
Northeastern Midget Association’s Awards Banquet at
White’s of Westport. Driver champions John Zych Jr. and
Carl Medeiros Jr. along with owner champions John Zych
Sr. and Donald Cugini carried off the bulk of the
hardware as NEMA celebrated its 61st season.
Zychs are the first “first-time” NEMA champions in five
seasons while Medeiros Jr. and Cugini are the
“first-ever” count-all-the races Lites division
“A dream come true,” John Zych Sr.
told the gathering, declaring “whether it was a good car
or bad” his son “drove the wheels off the car.” John Sr.
is the Mechanic of the Year; John Jr. is the Joe Csiki
Most Improved Driver winner and proud wife and mother
Janice Zych garnered the Angelillo Memorial Women Behind
the Man award.
Others receiving recognition: Ed
Breault (the coveted Johnny Thomson Award), Mike Jarret
(Wen Kelley Memorial), Kevin Park (Ray Roberts
Memorial), Gene Feigel (Ralph Miller Memorial for
Outstanding and Continuing Perseverance), Greg Stoehr
(Jim O’Brien Outstanding Contribution to Family and
Racing Award) and Avery Stoehr (Brian Caruso Hard
Charger Award).
Glenn Cugini is the Lites’
(Mechanic of the year) while Dan Cugini is the
division’s Most Improved Driver. Also recognized were
Ian Cumens and the Lites’ Richie Morocco (Ed Clotheir
Rookies of the Year) and Bethany Stoehr and the Lites’
Megan Cugini (Pat Thibodeau Youth, Talent and
Determination trophies). Megan Cugini joined Todd
Bertrand in receiving the Shane Hammond Sportsmanship
Still other hardware was given to the
Lites’ Scott Bigelow and Cantor (Hard Luck), to Jim
Chambers and the Lites’ Craig Rayvals (Associate Member
Never Say Die Awards), to Lites’ drivers Kenny Johnson
and Logan Rayvals (Up and Coming Drivers) and to
Evans/Thrall Owner/Driver Trophy winners Todd Bertrand
and Andy Barrows (Lites).
Nokie Fornoro earned a
spot in the Dick Gallagher NEMA Hall of Fame. Peter
Falcone, the master of ceremonies, became a lifetime
Perfect attendance kudos went to owners
John Zych Sr. (9), Paul Scally (30), Gene Feigel (71),
Todd Bertrand (39), Tim Bertrand (47), Donald Cugini
(51), Daryl Cugini (41) and Craig Rayvals (94), the
latter three Lites competitors.
Also recognized
were push truck operators Dave Shore, Pete Pernesiglio,
Mike Jarret, Jackie Giananni, Brian Cleveland and Glen
Cabral and officials race director Tom Fox, starter
Steve Grant, Cyndi Scrivani, Melisa Tully, Ellen
Pernesiglio, Tara Stoehr, Bob Blanchette, Paul Scally,
Lu Jarret, Linda Cleveland, Deb Marvuglio and Bill Van

was a busy week for Pete Falconi, NEMA’s premier on site
announcer who became a “Life Member” at Saturday night’
Awards Banquet at Whites of Westport. Earlier in the
week Pete’s radio station – 1450 WNBP based in
Newburyport, MA – received a Station of the Year Merit
Award from the Massachusetts Broadcasters Association.
Stoehr called the Jim O’Brien Outstanding Contribution
to Family and Racing trophy “maybe the best award I’ve
ever received.” O’Brien, like the entire Stoehr clan,
was all about family. Bethany and Avery, the daughter
and son of Greg and Russ respectively, are fourth
generation competitors. Both were winners this year.
Zych Sr. had the highest praise for his son, driver
champion John Jr. “As good a race driver as he is,” John
Sr. told the gathering, he is a better father, husband
and son.”
the Zychs and Lites champion Carl Medeiros Jr.
acknowledged the help they received from other
competitors over the year, the Seymour, Stoehr and
Bertrand families all being mentioned along with engine
maestro John Andruk. ”We’ve met a of great people,” said
Medeiros who, after driving a TQ this winner, will go
Modified racing next year...
1. John Zych Jr., 2039; 2. Randy Cabral, 2022; 3. Ian
Cumens, 1,824; 4. Todd Bertrand, 1,807; 5. Russ Stoehr,
1,787; 6. Seth Carlson, 1,630; 7. Paul Scally, 1,489; 8.
Bethany Stoehr, 1,398; 9. Jim Chambers, 1,343; 10. Joey
Payne Jr., 1,210; 11. Anthony Marvuglio, 1,129; 12. Greg
Stoehr, 1,166; 13. Doug Cleveland, 1,051; 14. Jim
SantaMaria, 650; 15. Phil DeMario, 494.
Owners: 1.
#9 John Zych Sr., 2,039; 2. #47 Tim Bertrand, 2,022; 3.
#39 Bertrand Motorsports, 1,681; 4. #45 Dumo’s Desire
Racing, 1,681; 5. #71 Gene Feigel, 1,630; 6. #30 Paul
Scally, 1,489; 7. #26b Greg Stoehr, 1,442; 8. #5b MCI
Racing, 1,398; 9. #21 Mike Chambers, 1,343; 10. #29s
Bobby Seymour, 1,293; 11. #7ny Allan Cantor, 1,178; 12.
#74 Tim Bertrand, 1,126; 13. #44 Ed Breault, 1,100; 14.
#77 Mike Luggelle, 1,051; 15. #99 Susan SantaMaria,
1. Carl Medeiros Jr., 1,781; 2. Dan Cugini, 1,754; 3.
Avery Stoehr, 1,569; 4. Kenny Johnson, 1,450; 5. Logan
Rayvals, 1,345; 6. Richie Morocco, 1,268; 7. Andy
Barrows, 1,248; 8. P.J. Stergois 1,224; 9.Brandon Igo, 1,063; 10. D.J. Moniz, 982; 11.
Megan Cugini, 972; 12. Ian Cumens, 886; 13. Paul
Bigelow, 785; 14. Randy Cabral, 767; 15. Ryan Bigelow,
Owners: 1. #51, Dan
Cugini, 1,754; 2. #50 Carl Medeiros Sr., 1746; 3. #11
Bill Stergios, 1,718; 4. #15a Avery Stoehr, 1,507; 5.
#46 Jeff Johnson, 1,450; 6. #94 Craig Rayvals, 1,345; 7.
#25 Rick Morocco, 1,268; 8. #81 Andy Barrows, 1,248; 9.
Daryl Cugini, 1,190; 10. #45 Dave Igo, 1,063; 11. #9
Bobby Seymour, 1,062; 12. #31 Paul Bigelow, 1,053; 13.
#18 Dave Moniz, 982; 14. #33 Paul Bigelow, 772; 15. #52
Kevin Park, 716. |