I. Secretary’s Report - Accepted
II. Treasurer’s Report - Accepted
III. Business (
Go To Tech Proposals )
Item 1:
Election of Officers:
PRESIDENT: Mike Scrivani
1st VICE PRESIDENT: Barry Kittredge
2nd VICE PRESIDENT: Steve Grant
SECRETARY: Pat Campanale
Ed Breault
Glen Cabral
Marco Campanale
Peter Valari
Shawn Torrey
Pete Pernesiglio
Bobby Seymour: 1st Alternate
Item 2: Amendment to Article 11.6
When a NEMA registered car is absent from a scheduled event during
the course of a season, said car will be credited with a win for
handicap purposes.
Gene Angelillo
(Eligible Car Owners) Accepted
Item 3: After cars are pushed off, you have 2 laps t line up,
3rd lap the race is going green. Anyone out of place does not get
scored. Same thing on restarts.
Allan Cantor
(Eligible Car Owners) Rejected
Item 4: Any car that does not fire up after 1 lap has to go
into the infield.
Allan Cantor
(Eligible Car Owners) Rejected
Item 5: Only cars running at the end of the feature will be
credited with HANDICAP points. Championship points remain the same.
Mike Luggelle
(Eligible Car Owners) Accepted
Item 6: Maximum of 16 races per year
Pete Pernesiglio
(Eligible Car Owners) Rejected
Item 7: Adopt a travel money program to offset expenses on
long distance shows.
Pete Pernesiglio
(Eligible Car Owners) Rescinded
Item 8: On races that are deemed long travel or 2 day shows. Change
the payoff structure to a minimum of 2% of the gross purse.
Steve Grant
(Eligible Car Owners) Accepted
Item 9: Eliminate Article X 11.11. Payoffs will no longer be
at the Racetrack after an event. Most tracks are paying by check.
Steve Grant
(Eligible Car Owners) Rescinded
Item 10: Change Rule 11.11: Payoff. Each car owner attempting
to compete in a NEMA sanctioned event shall receive a minimum of 1%
of the gross purse supplied for that event. All such car owners
shall receive their earned portion of the purse distribution. By
NEMA checks within (10) day of the event.
Jim O’Brien
(Eligible Car Owners) Accepted but modified from 10 to 5 days.
Item 11: Addition to Rule 10.7. In the event those Medical
Personnel are required at the scene of an accident, the injured
party must comply with any medical instructions including
transportation to an outside medical facility. Failure to comply
shall result in immediate suspension from NEMA competition until a
professional Doctor presents a written release.
Jim O’Brien
Steve Grant
(Eligible Car Owners) Rejected
Item 12: Any car being pushed off for the start of the race
shall be given no more than 5 laps to find his spot. Any driver
lagging behind to conserve fuel or passing the lap car or pole car
shall relinquish his or her position and will be placed at the rear
of the field.
Steve Grant
(Eligible Car Owners) Accepted
Item 13: Any car that delays the start of a race or pulls into the
pits after the start of hot-laps will start in the rear.
Steve Grant
(Eligible Car Owners) Accepted
Item 14: If a car spins after the display of a yellow flag
because of adverse track conditions, the car shall retain its
position from the last completed lap.
Steve Grant
(Eligible Car Owners) Rescinded
Item 15: Prior to the start of a race, scuffing of tires will
be allowed only when the racecars are lined up in single file order.
The race director will give the ok to all drivers via the one-way
Steve Grant
(Eligible Car Owners) Accepted
Item 16: Change Article 9.4. Competition Starts. On the start
of the race there will be no passing until your car has passed the
start finish line. On all restarts the starter will determine prior
to the start of the event where the restarts will take
place. Again, there will be no passing until you pass the restart
Steve Grant
(Eligible Car Owners) Rejected
Item 17: After the 1st lap is completed, all subsequent
restarts will be single file, with the lapped cars gong to the
bottom at the green flag.
Howie Bumpus
(Eligible Car Owners) Rejected
Item 18: NEMA should qualify the cars through time trials. The top 8
times can run a dash race to determine their line up. The rest can
run 2 heat races (or 3 if necessary) to determine the rest of the
line up.
Howie Bumpus
(Eligible Car Owners) Rejected
Item 19: To prohibit the Ford Focus Midget Cars or similar
cars from practicing, competing or otherwise running with NEMA
sanctioned cars on the racetrack. These Focus Cars being of
considerably less horsepower and running at
lower speeds than the NEMA Midgets would create a safety hazard when
combined. Although there may be occasions the Focus Cars might be
scheduled to compete at a racing facility hosting NEMA, they should
be prohibited from
sharing any track time with the NEMA registered Midgets.
Gino Spada
(Eligible Car Owners) Rejected
Item 20: No penalty for a new car. At the start of the season
a new car should not be penalized for trying to improve themselves
Steve Grant
(Eligible Car Owners) Rejected
Item 21: Make radios mandatory at all time, even during
Howie Bumpus
(Eligible Car Owners & Drivers) Accepted
Item 22: Change Rule to allow the 2004 Board Members to
vote on 2005 technical proposals before the 2004
(General Meeting) Accepted
(Decided by Technical Committee)
Item 1: Tire Rule: One right rear tire a night. The tire you
qualify with is the one you start the feature on. If you change the
tire you start in the rear of the field
Pete Pernesiglio
Andy Shlatz
Item 2: Compound Rule: Everyone uses the same compound. One
compound for Hoosier, one for American Racer.
Pete Pernesiglio
Item 3: Adopt USAC or National Car Spec. Rules- but with
wings. And 25 lbs.
Howie Bumpus
Item 4: Drop the min. weight down 25 lbs. And take the wing
off to have similar rules with USAC.
Kyle Carpenter
Item 5: Allow the Esslinger Engine to increase the cubic
inches to 161.
Howie Bumpus
Item 6: All cars will be allowed one 12-inch wheel.
Gino Spada
Mike Luggelle
Item 7: Add one small mirror on right side, for safety purposes.
Andy Shlatz
Item 8: Cockpit adjustable shocks will be permitted.
Tim Bertrand
Item 9: Change article 7.9 m to read: "Allow the use of
crankshafts other than original equipment as installed shafts in
stock block applications."
Bruce Beane
Item 10: Change Article 7.9 j.: Cosworth Ford Engines allowed
– 145 ci.
Rudy Boetticher
Item 11: Change Article 7.9a: Double overhead cam engines –
R. Boetticher
Item 12: Add to Article 7.9 v.: Four-cylinder in-line, two
valves per cylinder, water cooled, aluminum block and head with
intake and exhaust ports on the same side of the head shall be
allowed 174 ci.
R. Boetticher
Item (13) Change Article 7.6 A: change to 1050 lbs B.
change to 1100 lbs
C. change to 1125 lbs. Change to: Car weight is determined on
the NEMA scales including the driver.
